1990s Statistical Prosperity |

A single mother making $100 a month is considered employed |
Economy based on making money on money instead of making
things is burning out! See massive list of job losses
and company closedowns in the 1990s due to Free Trade below:
Click here to reveiw Hillary Clinton's stand on Free Trade over the years.
In the Land of "is" where everything depended on what your
definition of "is"- is, the U.S. was going through the most massive dislocation of jobs in its history with a new working
poor class created and an underclass suffering in a silent drepression. See all the jobs that were lost
in 1998 while a Statistical Prosperity was being proclaimed......
Based on- Turning Myth into Reality by Burke Hedges
.....In the early 1970s, the average yearly income
for a 30 year old male in today's dollars was over $29,000. In 1992, it slipped to $22,000. And each year it slips a little
more. In the span of one generation, young men are earning nearly one-third less than their fathers.......The average
American work week jumped from 40 hours in 1973 to 47 hours or more today. Yet with inflation, and buying power stays the
Experts predicted 35% of
all white collar, college-educated people , would lose their jobs by year 2000 (and they did )
Based on 'Could be me,' many of us say of the
homeless -by Constant Casey
The traditional image of
a homeless person is an older single man. But the poll found those who felt they could become homeless were primarily women,
and people under the age of 35. "They hear person saying, 'Just a year ago I had a good job, a home, a car, a family......here
I am a year later, and I have nothing." Today, there are even working families who are homeless because they do not
make enough to afford any housing.
"We're finding more and more
people with long work histories, they get laid off, then they get a temporary job, then they are laid off again." During the
1990s through 2002, supposedly a period of economic recovery, the number of people needing emergency and social
services has broken records almost every year with up to 40 million Americans in needing emergency food. Reportedly,
the USA has more children living in poverty than in most other developed nations.
Click on cartoon to visit the lost worlds in the |

Globalist Free Trader Flat World- High Tech jobs go overseas to the lowest bidder. |
--Over a million workers lost their jobs
in the computer industry alone. We know about all the Dot Coms that went bust but here are lists of lost companies and jobs. (We represented the last computer that was made in the USA. Now micro computers are only assembled here
by $5.50 an hour workers with parts coming from the sweat shops
of the world. It is a no win situation.)
American Computer, Advance Electronics,
ALPS, American Micro, American Systems, Alpha Micro, Applied Data, Altos, Atari,
Ball, Beehive, Bull, Cado, Centurian, AT&T Micro Computers, /
NCR Micro Computers, Bytec, Megadata, Durango, Kaypro, Northstar, Olivetti,
Commodore, Compugraphics, Computer Automation, Computerm, Computone, Condor,
Corvus, Data Systems, Delta Data, Datapoint, Four Phase, Radio Shack,
Redactron, Remex, Standard Logic, Sykes, Eagle, General Automation,
Redcor, General Computer, Intertel Data, Itek, Ohio Scientific, Novar, Prime,
Sundance, Sperryrand, Televideo, Mohawk, Leading Edge, ITT, Lobo, Micromation, Modular Comp.,
Micropolis, Monroe, Nixdorf, Nothern Telephone, Ontel, Perkins Elmer,
North Star, Packard Bell, Leeds and Northrup, Pertec, Osborne, Vector, Vista,
Vydek, Wango, Wordstream, Zilog, Wells America-(last PC computer made in the
USA), Zenith, Unisis Micros, Datatron, Datronix, Franklin, Basic Four,
Synon, QDP, Quasar, Star Tech, Tandem, Wang, BTI, Pronto, Rodine,
Contel, CTI. Data Design, Data Logic, Datatronics, Heath, Interetek, Datatron
and this is only a partial list. We could easily come up with a thousand or more companies listings from old directories.
In MainFrames alone , over a millions workers lost their jobs too.
Honeywell, GE, Sperry, Univac, Burroughs, Control Data, NCR, RCA, Xerox, IBM ( 150,000 in
the 1990s) DEC, Data General, Wang, and more. (AT&T laid off 50,000- merged with NCR who already laid off
50,000 and then the new merged company laid off another 50,000) And most of the manufacturers of Cat Scans (Technicare) are
gone too. Recently, in our region, several bio-tech companies quit operations or layed off most of their workers. The media
made a big deal about this citing the fact that about 300 people lost their jobs in bio-tech while they reported
very little over the years about 600,000 steelworkers and about 400,000 autoworkers losing their jobs.
In Computer Media and Components:
3M sold out to Imation who then laid off thousands, BASF Magnetics sold and
sent their US factory to Korea, Dysan, Memorex and Verbatim are just brand names- no real factories left. Seagate
laid off 20,000 workers in 1998- and over 250,000 lost their jobs in high-tech in 1998 alone while a statistical prosperity
was reported. It is difficult to trace more companies because so many were bought and sold more than twice back and forth
etc. With each change, more employees lost their jobs.
More contradictions regarding the reported statistical
We kept a record of company layoffs and closing in 1998 while a Statistical
Prosperity was reported by the Media, many lost their across the board--- it was not just the so called
"smoke stack" industries that layed off workers or folded.....This again is just a partial list
Rockwell cuts 3,800, LTV lays off 600,
Lubrizol cuts 150 jobs, American Greeting Cards cuts workers, Eaton cuts 200 jobs in chip-making operation,
Sun liquidated with 2,800 losing their jobs, Hanna trims 260 workers and shuts down plant, Repulic buyer cuts
1,400 jobs, Bethlehem Steel cut 750 and closes operations, Weirton Steel lays off 300 workers,
World Bank cuts 750 workers, Merrill Lynch cuts 3,400 jobs, TORO closes plants and lays off all workers,
Huntington Bank cuts 1,000 jobs, Texaco, Royal Dutch Shell cut 4,000 jobs, Ameritech cuts 5,000 more,
Carpet Barn closes all its outlets, Heinz cuts 390 jobs, Cummins Engine cuts 1,000, NBC cuts 250 jobs,
Toys R US closes 59 stores, Chase cuts 90 jobs locally, Boston Chicken seeks bankruptcy protection,
GE shuts New England plants, Goodyears plans more cuts, BF Goodrich vacates headquarters, Polaroid cuts
700 jobs, Venator Group closes 570 stores, Consolidated Gas cuts 2,600 jobs, Fruit of the Loom
cuts another 5,000 workers and moves factories outside the USA- can not afford to pay $8 an hour wage to workers,
INTEL cuts 5,000 jobs, Seagate cuts 20,000 jobs, Digital cuts 15,000 in merger with Compaq- Compaq moves factory to
China, Boeing and other related companies cut 50,000 jobs, Scott Paper cuts 11,200 jobs,
Wells Fargo cuts 2,000, Whirpool, Woolworth and International Paper announce large layoffs,
MCI WorldCom cuts 2,500 jobs, Nabisco cuts 3,100 jobs and closes plants, Pioneer Standard cuts staff,
Packard Bell lays off 1,000, AST Research cuts jobs, Kodak cuts 10,000 jobs, Goodrich to close 4 plants,
Advance Lighting cuts 2220 jobs and closes a plant, Scrabble is set to C-L-O-S-E factory, Weirton Steel
idles blast furnace, Mr Gasket elminates jobs and outsources production, Raytheon cuts 14,000 jobs,
Kellogg cuts 525 salaried workers and 240 temporary workers, LSI Logic cuts 1,200 jobs, Liz Claiborne cuts
400 jobs can shuts down stores, Just Closeouts closing all stores, Huffy cuts 1,000 jobs and closed USA plant,
Texas Instruments cuts 3,500 jobs, Gateway cuts 300 workers, TRW cuts 7,500 jobs, Stanley Works
FAILURES SURGED 16% totaling 83,384 businesses failing, Cadence cuts 180 engineers, Siemens worldwide cuts
60,000 jobs, BF Goodrich closes down Corporate Headquarters in Akron, Ohio, BP America closes down corporate
headquarters in Cleveland Ohio, Reliance Electric is gone after buyout by Rockwell International,......there were more
cuts too in 1998 during the so called statistical prosperity. (IT THIS HAPPENED IN THE 1970s, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN CONGRESSIONAL
Hillary wasn't home baking cookies - She |

pushed Free Trade like her husband did |