From the Cleveland Plain Dealer, 2/12/03 by DICK FEAGLER,
noted newspaper and TV columnist, ________________________________________________
Dennis Kucinich for president?
Well, why not?
(Tapart News Editor comment- Dennis Kucinich represents a metapmorphosis
and for others like myself who come from the Conservative ranks. We do not personally know if we can endorse Rep. Kucinich
because we contradicts his anti-war stand with his stand on abortion but in many other areas, Dennis
represents the voice in the wilderness. Perhaps his years of political exile served him well and he had the opportunity to
stand back and observe what the common man and the common good is all about. As we are finding out now, Globalism does not
care if you are a Communist, Socialist or Capitalist. All it cares about is controlling the masses through Trans-national
corporations and Global entities like NAFTA, GATT and The World Trade Organization outside the consent of any Democratic process.
Both President Bush and President Clinton joined hands in bombing out workers everywhere. Kucinich was one of the first
to come out against unfair trade and "Wag the Dog" wars to hide the real problems of our times.)
Feagler says, Congressman Dennis Kucinich should run for President even if he can't win because he tells it like
it is. Feagler says, It appears certain that we are about to go to war with Iraq but after we win where will we
be? Having kicked over the hornet's nest,.....angry enemies will buzz around, venom intact, to sting us. (See our editorial
cartoon about this reality.) Feagler goes on.... Kucinich has been a voice of calm and reason ......
There are not many like him. Feagler reports that his mail
and phone calls overwhelmingly (his guess is 15-1) object to the war against Iraq. ....Colin Powell said that
everything had changed after 9-11. He's right. Our new day demands more philosophy than a reprise of the old "The
Yanks are Coming" battle cry. Few in Congress have the guts or vision to see that. ( Rep Marcy Kaptur is another
Congress person who has the same vision of Globalism and unfair trade breeding wars and terrorism.)
....Dennis Kucinich has both the guts and vision. Will he be the
next President? No way. Would I (Dick Feagler ) vote for him tomorrow? In a heartbeat.
Based on Dick Feagler's column
Rep Marcy Kaptur is running agains Rep Dennis Kucinich in the
2012 election. She has led the way in showing how free trade destroys the real free enterprise process. Ross Perot asked her
to be his running mate when he ran for president noting free trade was a race to the bottom. Now we face the future
where are economies based on making money on money instead of making things are burning out -- as we wait for the next financial
bubble to burst...
Terrorism begets Terrorism- Who can untangle the
tangle of terror- as noted in The Cross 9-11 Tangle of Terror artwork? This is the ultimate question of our times.