Critical Factor News - Ray Tapajna |
Made in USA Trump |
About you in the global economy |
Color it Purple -both U.S. political parties act as one- No red or blue states -just purple |
Double Talk from the land of is and World Trade Organization Out of Order |
Communications by Rank - Workers have no voice - and more about Intelligent Design |
U.S. Plays Dangerous Game of Globalism |
Workers are not tools of Capitalism. The Dignity of Work has been betrayed |
F R E E Tapsearch Com Unlimited Free Services with free offer |
Power to the People Art that Talks News Story |
America Dream Reversed - Middle Class missing in action |
The Silent Depression |
Working Poor in a Silent Depression and Media and Leaders silent too |
Are you un-netted in global economic arena |
American Nightmare continues - unemployment , underemployment and uncounted misery |
No accounting for Federal Reserve, "Unfair Trade"- vote out all who voted for it : |
U.S. Sells out Workers, What year was this published? |
Our economy is like an orchestra without drums or a choir without a harmonious tone |
Pearl Harbor attack on workers- Clinton, Gingrich, Bush, Obama |
No Room in the Boat for workers in global economy |
Explore lost worlds in Globalist Flat World |
U.S. Economy is on life support - Pres. Obama ignores wounded workers |
Experts who predicted the economic crisis |
Brutal flexibilization of labor - Free Trade- CAFTA, NAFTA and GATT |
It is about you, restoring our cities and Drew Carey |
About Ray Tapajna from Babe Ruth NY League page |
Taking it Global - Bizarre Politics & The Rationale ( Philosophy and Religion - summaries) |
Free trade keeps triggering a race to the bottom |
Honda, Toyota etc coming to America - Made in USA passe |
Why does AFL CIO endorse Free Trade Globalists |
For the People American Dream Renew art series |
Town Hall Meetings and Tea Party Alert - The Real Causes of our Economic Crisis |
Is 7.50 per hour the magic word |
Help renew the American Dream for all in the world- Google Alerts & Expert Rated Ezine Articles |
Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State - Revisit the Land of "is" - The eye of our economic storms |
Economic and Cultural issues from Slovak Spectator News & Workers Dignity |
A hundred years of endless wars in the Middle East |
Ethical Corp. Magazine & Outside the Will of the People -petition |
Real Tax Reform - Transaction Taps instead of Taxes |
Trade Deficit in denial |
Unions not what they used to be from Tapsearch Com |
Ray Tapajna : FTC post - If this is a good economy, I would hate to see a bad....back to the future |
"The House of Cards" ready to fall - letter predicted the coming of our Bewildered New World |
Cross 9/11 Tangle of Terror Art - Who can untangle the terror globalization and free trade have bred |
Affects of Poverty and Unemployment on education |
Economic Diseases Are Highly Communicable-FDR.....Rep Marcy Kaptur letter |
Abortion is also a social economic geopolitical problem |
High Tech baloney about restoring our cities? : |
Iraqi War ignited cultures of death in the Middle East |
Who really benefits from tax cuts when American Workers are "Commoditized"? |
Tapsearch Tapart News Super Links |
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Lend Lease Act was real Free Trade and not Chopped Liver,
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Dailykos Blogroll summary of sites and articles at http://www.dailykos.com/user/tapsearcher/blogroll http://www.phillyfuture.org/node/5885 - Open Letter to Political Candidates http://www.phillyfuture.org/node/5298 - response to http://www.phillyfuture.org/node/5297 Dark side of Energy Saving Light Bulbs and the darker story behind them as example of "Green" failures
in Globalization and Free Trade
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is part of millions of references & resources on the worldwide web. Search under - Clinton Years American Dream
Reversed or Double Talk from the land of is. See story at http://tapsearch.com/clinton And note Hillary wasn't home baking cookies when her husband pushed the passage of free trade economics. Running
for president in 2015-16, she is trying to hide her part in the process. See http://tapsearch.com/backfire/
Original Clinton Years American Dream Reverse has |
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Ray Tapajna Living Journal explores news and issues related
to human dignity in the workday